"You see, no one's going to help you Bubby, because there isn't anybody out there to do it. No one. We're all just complicated arrangements of atoms and subatomic particles - we don't live. But our atoms do move about in such a way as to give us identity and consciousness. We don't die; our atoms just rearrange themselves. There is no God. There can be no God; it's ridiculous to think in terms of a superior being. An inferior being, maybe, because we, we who don't even exist, we arrange our lives with more order and harmony than God ever arranged the earth. We measure; we plot; we create wonderful music. We are the architects of our own existence. What a lunatic concept to bow down before a God who slaughters millions of innocent children, slowly and agonizingly starves them to death, beats them, tortures them, rejects them. What folly to even think that we should not insult such a God, damn him, think him out of existence. It is our duty to think God out of existence. It is our duty to insult him. Fuck you, God! Strike me down if you dare, you tyrant, you non-existent fraud! It is the duty of all human beings to think God out of existence. Then we have a future. Because then - and only then - do we take full responsibility for who we are. And that's what you must do, Bubby: think God out of existence; take responsibility for who you are."
This is a sick and disgusting punishment, and thus watching this video can make you weak or possibly give you nausea and shock for several days. Please do not watch if you are weak-hearted.
If you are a Muslim, you must read this section and watch the video to increase your knowledge of Islam. Increasing one's knowledge about Islam is فرض (compulsory). Also, you must force yourself to like cutting of hands and feet, because this is a punishment ordained by Allah in Quran 5:33 and 5:38.
ليس غريب ان نرى عصابة محمد تتلفظ بألفاظ غير لائقة وقذرة بشكل دائم عند قراءة السيرة النبوية. فأفعالهم من اغتصاب السبايا وجز رؤوس الوثنيين العرب والسطو على القوافل صارت طبيعية منذ اجتماعهم وتكوينهم لأكبر عصابة عرفها التاريخ البشري. تفضلو هذه واقعة تحتوي على سبة أعجبتني
قال عروة عند ذلك: أي محمد أرأيت إن استأصلت أمر قومك هل سمعت بأحد من العرب اجتاح أهله قبلك، وإن تكن الأخرى فإني والله لأرى وجوها وإني لأرى أوشاباً من الناس خليقاً أن يفروا ويدعوك، فقال له أبو بكر: امصص ببظر اللات رواه البخاري 2529- ابن ماجه - أحمد بن حنبل في مسنده
نعم هذا صحيح :) أبو بكر يقول لأحدهم " أمصص بظر اللات" اي مستوى هابط للتعبير هذا ؟ هههههههههه لا يستطيع المسلمين هنا انكار الحديث كما يفعلون دائما عندما لا يعجبهم محتواه لانه ورد في 3 كتب حديث مختلفة وهنا في موقع اسلام ويب يدافعون عن ابو بكر وان شتمه القذر هذا كان للمصلحة وخدمة المسلمين لووووول
In case you didn't notice I'm an ANTI-THEIST. I also believe that science will eventually answer the questions we have about our world while organized religions will continue to chase their tail in fantasy.