Islam is the worst religion ever.It is a manifestation of the stupidest and most intolerant that humanity has to offer. If it were as great as people claim, then it wouldn't need it's adherents to stop people from debating it. It's embarrassing that fully grown adults still devote their lives to such nonsense. Telepathic prophets of the desert and omnipotent space monsters, religious scripture reads like some poorly written horror fiction.
If you hated it, well its time to hate it even more. Thanks
In case you didn't notice I'm an ANTI-THEIST. I also believe that science will eventually answer the questions we have about our world while organized religions will continue to chase their tail in fantasy.
Islam is the worst religion ever.It is a manifestation of the stupidest and most intolerant that humanity has to offer. If it were as great as people claim, then it wouldn't need it's adherents to stop people from debating it. It's embarrassing that fully grown adults still devote their lives to such nonsense. Telepathic prophets of the desert and omnipotent space monsters, religious scripture reads like some poorly written horror fiction.
If you hated it, well its time to hate it even more. Thanks
اممممممم انا معك في شغله وحده انه في تعصب كثير ومضيع حقوق المرأه بالقوه كمان :(
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